Dr. Stephen Truch

Founding Director, The Reading Foundation

About this speaker

Steve’s educational experience spans over 50 years, first as an English teacher, then a consulting school psychologist for 14 years, followed by 34 years as Founder and Director of The Reading Foundation clinics in Calgary, Vancouver, and Toronto. 

He is the primary author of the specialized intervention programs used at the clinics, and he continues to revise them as scientific knowledge advances. He has also written several technical books and in 1991, wrote The Missing Parts of Whole Language, which evolved from his growing knowledge about phonemic processing and its importance to reading development. 

He lives in Calgary with his wife of 55 years and has informed her he will never retire.

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Structured Linguistic Literacy (SLL) – A Question and Answer Presentation

25 June 2024, 03:45 PM
Stephen Truch

Panel: How Diane McGuinness' work Influences These SLL Program Creators

28 June 2024, 08:00 PM
Stephen Truch John Walker Nora Chahbazi Marnie Ginsberg Donna Hejtmanek