Leveraging the Power of Morphology in a Speech to Print Approach
A Talk by Jennifer Hasser (Founder and Executive Director, Kendore Learning and Syllables Learning Center)
About this Talk
Children want to spell words they know. As they learn more and more graphemes for a single sound, how do we link oral knowledge to spelling to help them with encoding? To choose the correct spelling for the sounds we hear, we rely upon morphemic knowledge. For example, students need more information to understand whether to use “past” or “passed” and “wring” or “ring” when encoding. Learn how pairing morphology with alternate spelling instruction can lessen the cognitive burden of multiple spelling possibilities and allow us the opportunity to weave meaning and grammar into our lessons During this presentation, Jennifer Hasser, M.Ed., will discuss the important connection between spelling and meaning. Participants will leave with ideas and strategies to include in future lessons.