Panel Discussion

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Meet our Speakers

We've gathered some of the top experts in the field to discuss this topic. With years of experience between them, they're well-equipped to offer invaluable insights and perspectives.

Nora Chahbazi

Nora Chahbazi

Founder, EBLI

Dr. Marnie Ginsberg

Dr. Marnie Ginsberg

Founder, Reading Simplified

Jill Nunez

Jill Nunez

US & Canada Business Manager, Sounds-Write

Renee Abbott

Renee Abbott

Lincoln Elementary School, Fourth Grade Teacher

Kristen Bawks

Kristen Bawks

Assistant Superintendent, St. Joseph Public Schools

Alison Ferguson

Alison Ferguson

Principal, Meeker Elementary

Jennifer Glueck

Jennifer Glueck

Annmarie Haggin

Annmarie Haggin

Instructional Coach and Interventionist, Meeker Elementary

Donna Hejtmanek

Donna Hejtmanek

Tara Hess

Tara Hess

2nd Grade Teacher, Meeker Elementary

Lisa Knuth

Lisa Knuth

Principal, Lincoln Elementary School

Victoria Ochoa Rodriguez

Victoria Ochoa Rodriguez

4th Grade Teacher, Meeker Elementary

Lindsay Springer

Lindsay Springer

Paul Penna Downtown Jewish Day School, Director of Student Services

Dr. Stephen Truch

Dr. Stephen Truch

Founding Director, The Reading Foundation

John Walker

John Walker

Founder and CEO, Sounds-Write

Shoshana Zazula

Shoshana Zazula

Literacy Intervention Specialist


Our EBLI Journey

24 June 2024, 08:00 PM
Lisa Knuth Kristen Bawks Renee Abbott Nora Chahbazi

Voices from schools: Educators who have shifted to SLL

25 June 2024, 08:00 PM
Jill Nunez Lindsay Springer Shoshana Zazula Jennifer Glueck

From Traditional Phonics to Reading Simplified

27 June 2024, 08:00 PM
Tara Hess Victoria Ochoa Rodriguez Marnie Ginsberg Alison Ferguson Annmarie Haggin

Panel: How Diane McGuinness' work Influences These SLL Program Creators

28 June 2024, 08:00 PM
Marnie Ginsberg Stephen Truch Nora Chahbazi John Walker Donna Hejtmanek